
the dj's ultimate wingman

soft launch is a limited release for DJC TESTERS. Stay tuned for more UPDATES

What is JukeJuke?

every dj needs a wingman and jukejuke is the one dj’s turn to throughout the night.

Request App
Find the right vibe by letting your guests suggest songs all night. Partiers will be able to vote on songs to make sure every song's a crowd favorite
Start Your Trial
Photo Wall
sorting through Instagram can be a major pain, that's why we added a photo wall for your guests to upload their moments all night.
top songs highlight
Don't get caught off guard with crowds who don't know what they want to hear. Create party-ready playlists to fall back on if your crowd can't decide.
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Auto Tipping & Donations
We know what you're worth. A lot. Make sure your guest have a way to send you love by activating your tip jar for easy and low-cost tipping!
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Request App

Find the right vibe by letting your guests suggest songs all night. Partiers will be able to vote on songs to make sure every song's a crowd favorite

Photo Wall

sorting through Instagram can be a major pain, that's why we added a photo wall for your guests to upload their moments all night.

Top 20 Songs Highlight

Don't get caught off guard with crowds who don't know what they want to hear. Create party-ready playlists to fall back on if your crowd can't decide.

Auto Tipping & Donations

We know what you're worth. A lot. Make sure your guest have a way to send you love by activating your tip jar for easy and low-cost tipping!

Beyond Requesting a Song

The Most In-Depth Request App Available

JukeJuke is the app DJ’s and entertainment companies turn to for creating exciting events for their clients. JukeJuke allows crowds to request songs, post pics, tip DJ’s and engage all night long. We make every event an experience by giving DJ’s tools to personalize the evening for their crowd.

experience matters

we aren't just an app

with decades of performance and event hosting, the team behind jukejuke created the app to fill in the gaps that we see every day. jukejuke was designed by DJs to help make you a better performer.

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years of experience
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successful events
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spotify song database
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people impacted

Pricing and Plans

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start your free 2 event trial

2 event trial does not include premium features including custom branding or a custom domain url.

How to jukejuke


What DJ's Say

I have never had an easier time setting my dj's events up. With 18 dj's on our team, streamlining the process to get them show ready has been invaluable for us and our guests.

kylie gillando
    kylie gillando

    operations director

    jukejuke has made is so easy for us to connect with our guests and couples. it gives us the opportunity to share in the fun. The photowall feature and crowd voting help our djs stay engaged with their guests

    andrea smith
      andrea smith

      marketing manager

      jukejuke has helped me in so many different ways. From setting the flow of the evening to connecting with guests, jukejuke has really helped develop the way I interact with the crowd

      Denny Perdue
        Denny Perdue

        DJ and Event Host


        Get In Touch

        Questions about your joining, your plan, or want to leave a review? Drop us a line and we’ll make sure to get back to you asap.

        Type JUKE in the box below:

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        AT DJC?


        drop your info and get the ultimate DJ wingman on your side today

        Type JUKE in the box below:

        (this helps us reduce junk mail)